1、3、5、7 - 绿色SAS ports1-4状态灯,亮起则表明SAS口有对外连接,若连接SAS口后此灯不亮说明连接存在问题。
2、4、6、8 - SAS ports1-4报错告警灯。
9 - 绿色电池状态灯,
FAST BLINK - Indicates the battery is charging and has insufficient charge to complete a single fire hose dump.
BLINK – Indicates the battery has sufficient charge to complete a single fire hose dump only.
SOLID - Indicates the battery is fully charged and thus has sufficient charge to complete two fire hose dumps.
10 - 电池报错告警灯,说明电池存在问题。
11 - 绿色电池使用灯,说明数据正在被写入磁盘。
12 - 绿色电源灯,慢速闪烁处于准备完毕待机状态,快速闪烁处于自检状态,常亮则表示正在运行。
13 - 绿色系统状态灯,
OFF - there is no power to the canister, or canister is in standby mode or POST is running on canister or the operating system is loading.
BLINKING - the node is in candidate or service state. i.e. it is not able to perform I/O in a cluster. It is safe to remove the node.
FAST BLINK - a code upgrade is running.
ON - node is part of a cluster.
14 - 故障告警灯,
ON - the node is in service state, or there is an error that is stopping the software starting