Processor options - Machine type 7143 (Intel Xeon E7-4800 and E7-8800 series processors)
Part number/Intel Xeon processor description/Can scale to two nodes without MAX5/Can scale to two nodes with MAX5*/Models where used
69Y1889 E7-4807 6C 1.86GHz 18MB 800MHz 95W No Yes 7143-B1x
69Y1890 E7-4820 8C 2.00GHz 18MB 978MHz 105W No Yes 7143-B2x
69Y1891 E7-4830 8C 2.13GHz 24MB 1066MHz 105W No Yes 7143-B3x
88Y5358 E7-4850 10C 2.00GHz 24MB 1066MHz 130W No Yes 7143-B5x, D1x
69Y1892 E7-4860 10C 2.26GHz 24MB 1066MHz 130W No Yes 7143-B6x, D2x
69Y1893 E7-4870 10C 2.40GHz 30MB 1066MHz 130W No Yes 7143-B7x
69Y1896 E7-8830 8C 2.13GHz 24MB 1066MHz 105W Yes Yes -
69Y1894 E7-8837 8C 2.67GHz 24MB 1066MHz 130W Yes Yes -
88Y5357 E7-8850 10C 2.00GHz 24MB 1066MHz 130W Yes Yes 7143-C1x
69Y1898 E7-8860 10C 2.26GHz 24MB 1066MHz 130W Yes Yes 7143-C2x
69Y1897 E7-8867L 10C 2.13GHz 30MB 1066MHz 105W Yes Yes -
69Y1899 E7-8870 10C 2.40GHz 30MB 1066MHz 130W Yes Yes All Hxx models
* Supports IBM MAX5 V2 for System x (88Y6529) or IBM MAX5 for System x (59Y6265).